Downtown Marketplace

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The Downtown Marketplace project consists of a (39) unit apartment building with a courtyard at floors 2-4 with a retail space on floor 1. The total building covered area is approximately 53,000 square-feet, with additional site structures like wood stairs and trash enclosures to support the apartments and courtyard. The first level is designed using a steel-framed podium structure to support the wood-framed apartment and courtyard levels above. ISE Structural Engineers provided structural engineering services for the project. The mixed-use apartment building was designed and built by J.G. Souse Constructors, Inc., and is under construction. Randers are by the Architect.


Murrieta, CA


Construction Type:

II-B and V-A


J.G. Stouse Constructors, Inc.


J.G. Stouse Constructors, Inc.


Downtown SPE 906-090-014 LLC + Wilhem Sauls Investments, LLC

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